Do You Make Time For A Relax and Refresh Break?

Image courtesy of: David Castillo Dominici at

Image courtesy of: David Castillo Dominici at

When was the last time you stopped long enough to take a real break (and I mean no work, not even to check your emails) that lasted more than a few hours or a weekend?  I’m not trying to make you feel guilty, pressured, or bad about yourself, nor am I trying to make you feel inadequate, but to quote a phrase “a change is as good as a rest”.

I’m as good as the next person at convincing myself that I will take a break “when I have the time“, and not realizing that I’m reaching breaking point until I’m so worn out I no longer have the will or energy to book flights, hotels, car hire, etc.

Fatigue and exhaustion hit me just recently and trying to make decisions about bookings, travel plans and so on felt like another chore on my already long list of things to do.  But I knew in my heart I needed to take a break.  That became obvious as things started slipping between the cracks, I lost information, couldn’t find where I’d put things, got more and more cross at my disorganization, stopped doing the things that gave me pleasure, and even found that life was becoming a chore in itself.

Life is too short not  to enjoy even the tiniest moments, but sometimes it takes a good friend and some straight talk to make us see the obvious harm we’re doing to ourselves by not taking time to relax and enjoy life.

My advice please take a proper break and watch your creativity and  productivity increase when you get back to work.

My break gave me the opportunity to:

  • view the world from a different angle,
  • appreciate what I had forgotten I’ve been missing
  • update my life goals
  • see some amazing sights
  • smile


  • make some very important decisions affecting my life and those of my family.

I also believe, it gave me better understanding and skills as a coach, so that I can now better help my clients with their goals and struggles.

Imagine what it could do for you?

